Direct Instruction

Direct Instruction Logo

Step into a world of educational excellence with Direct Instruction – a curriculum and teaching method that stands the test of time, backed by extensive research and proven success! Our classrooms embody dynamic teacher-led instruction characterized by swift pacing and lively group engagement, creating an immersive learning experience.

Behind this powerful approach is a crafted lesson plan with over 30 years of development, ensuring each session is finely tuned to perfection. Every lesson undergoes rigorous testing in real classrooms, where success is measured by the achievement of 90% of students in test schools. If a lesson doesn't meet this high standard, it is returned for refinement, ensuring only the best reaches our students.

What sets our program apart is its commitment to precision – skills are presented in logical, child-sized bits, mastery is carefully measured, mistakes are swiftly corrected, and a structured schedule emphasizes early proficiency in phonics and computation. Additionally, our emphasis on continual review seamlessly integrates old skills with new, creating a robust foundation for lifelong learning.

Choose educational excellence with Direct Instruction, where every lesson is a proven step towards success and mastery.

Direct Instruction Resources

Want to know the nitty-gritty of Direct Instruction? Want to know the educational research that supports Direct Instruction? We invite you to check out the following web sites. We think it is important to be able to back up what we do with scientifically verifiable research done with real children.

American Federation of Teachers
Association for Direct Instruction

American Association of School Administrators

Education Week on the Web