Tai Ji Quan • Adult

Developed using forms from Tai Ji Quan, this program is a research-based balance training program designed for adults 60 and over who are at risk of falling, or have a balance disorder. The two-part course is proven to improve muscle strength, balance, flexibility, and mobility, and to reduce your risk of falls. 
No experience needed. 
Sign up for the full program (6 months) or 3 months. 
This is a progressive class so no drop ins.

Mondays and Wednesdays  
10:30-11:30am at PRRC

January 8 - June 5 

Mondays and Wednesdays
10:00-11:00am at PRRC

July 17 - September 11

For questions or to register call the ADRC at 920-467-4020

$20 donation appreciated