Sheboygan Area School District and Wisconsin Reading Corps have teamed up and are recruiting full-time and part-time literacy tutors for select elementary schools in Sheboygan. Literacy tutors commit to 11 months of AmeriCorps service. Our tutors are parents, grandparents, college students and recent college graduates, mid-career professionals, and retirees who may want to get more involved at our school, explore a new career in education, re-enter the workforce or give back to their community.
As a literacy tutor, you can help these students gain the skills they need to thrive. Our tutors work one-on-one or in small groups with students age 3 to grade 3. No experience? No problem! Reading Corps provides comprehensive training in strategies proven to help students build skills and become successful readers.
Great tutors come from all walks of life. Whether you're 18 or 85, your most important qualification is a desire to help children succeed! Other qualifications to meet by the beginning of your service:
Visit or contact Eric Hoffman by email at or call 414-269-2554 with questions. In the Sheboygan Area School District, contact Jim Renzelmann at