Early Learning Center Library

The students at the Early Learning Center come to the library every other week for a half hour time period. During this time, Mrs. Froh reads the students stories along with other activities. The students are allowed to take one book home with them and return it the next time they come to their scheduled library time. This is a great first-time library exposure for many children. On the week that the students do not come to the library, Mrs. Eissner goes into the classrooms for a half hour literacy period where she reads stories and other activities.  

Mrs. Froh is the full-time library assistant and technology support person at the Early Learning Center. Mrs. Schwinn is the reading assistant at the Early Learning Center. Mrs. Minster, the librarian, travels to three other libraries but can be reached by email anytime. Mrs. Minster, Mrs. Froh and Mrs. Schwinn work together to make the library a great first-time exposure for many children a positive and welcoming environment.

Destiny tree

Destiny Library Catalog

Search for books in our library using our online catalog.

Destiny Library Catalog

Acceptable Internet Use

Student use of the Internet at school is governed by the STUDENT TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTABLE USE AND SAFETY POLICY. Search by policy number 7540.03 within the Sheboygan Area School District policies.

This form is typically provided as part of the registration process.

If you have questions about your child's internet use while at school, please contact the school office.


Students at the ELC visit the school library or have Reading EA time on a weekly basis. Students are exposed to a variety of devices including iPads, computers and smartboards on a daily basis.

Internet Resources

Library Staff

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