English Learners (EL)

EL at a Glance
The EL / Bilingual programs in the Sheboygan Area School District started in the late 1970's with the arrival of the Hmong refugees from the Vietnam War. By 1980 there were 80 students K-10. Today there are about 1,900 EL/Bilingual students who participate in the programs, and roughly 36 different languages are represented among these students. The main languages are Hmong and Spanish.

EL / Bilingual Mission
To ensure students acquire sufficient English proficiency and to enable them to function successfully in the classroom and society, the EL curriculum is content-based and reflects mainstreamed curriculum whenever possible. Students are placed at age-appropriate grade levels regardless of English language proficiency.

At all grade levels, EL / Bilingual programs fall on the same standards-based curriculum as the mainstream classrooms. At the middle school and high school levels, curriculum in specific content areas may be modified somewhat in the area of vocabulary, yet concepts remain the same.


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