Étude High School

About Étude High School

If you remember just one thing about us, make it this: Critical Thinking. It is at the very core of everything we do, teach, stand for, and believe in.

Education at Étude High School

In a world that trains pupils how to memorize information without really understanding, our mission is to teach the next generation of changemakers how to think — really think — for themselves. Every single day, our students learn how to solve real world problems by connecting the dots in new ways. It is these essential critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills that prepare the students of today for the world of tomorrow. Indeed, they are the tools that drive the human race forward.

A K-12 EDUCATIONAL CONTINUUM. Étude High School is the third of three pillars of The Étude Group, a K-12 educational continuum in which every practice is interwoven. Each lesson, interaction, and method is deliberate, building upon the previous, from the first day of kindergarten to the last day of senior year. The result is a new archetype in education.

INCLUSIVE CULTURE. We all function best when we feel best. Your child is no different. Here, you will discover a healthy, supportive culture rich in diversity of thought. We celebrate the beauty of individuality and embrace the strength of community. Our open and inclusive culture is rooted in the understanding that young minds are equal minds, and all of us deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. We believe every student should have the right and the room to reach their fullest potential — in a safe and nurturing environment.

PROGRESSIVE CURRICULUM. Our approach of “Hands On, Minds On” education engages and empowers students far beyond just memorizing for a test. Étude students become questioners. Thinkers. Through project-based authentic learning, our students truly internalize what they learn, rolling up their sleeves, applying critical thinking, and solving real-world problems. Here, communication is a constant. Students present their work every single day — from kindergarten to senior year — to peers, teachers, parents, and the community — because the ability to have ideas is only valuable when combined with the ability to share those ideas, and accept and incorporate feedback. The result — the highest form of learning: understanding. True, deep, internalized knowledge, and thinking skills retained for a lifetime.

ROOTED IN STRONG, RICH SOIL. Rest assured, our methodology isn’t just artsy fluff a handful of fringe educators dreamed up. This new paradigm is distilled from today’s leading educational minds — rooted firmly in the protocols established by such thought leaders as Harvard University’s Project Zero, Educators for Social Responsibility, and the Coalition of Essential Schools, among others.

Contact Information

834 Virginia Avenue, Sheboygan, WI 53081

(920) 459-0950

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