The mission of the Sheboygan Leadership Academy is to inspire students to become leaders through their academic achievement, moral development, and service to others.
Sheboygan Leadership Academy, which opened as a 4K-8 charter school in 2012, provides a strong curriculum in all core subject areas as well as Spanish, music, art, and physical education. In support of our school charter, there is additional emphasis placed on virtue development and service learning.
Sheboygan Leadership Academy was founded on four pillars of education. The first is the 4K through grade 8 educational environment. In this model, elementary students are given role models, while middle school students are given leadership experience. At Sheboygan Leadership Academy, middle school is a concept, not a building. Our middle school students experience the middle school concept while still getting to be children.
The second pillar of Sheboygan Leadership Academy is virtues education. The Virtues Project is an international organization that selected 52 character traits that make up the perfect citizen. The virtues are instilled in all classrooms throughout all curriculum subjects and are infused in many areas of student life. Virtues are modeled in discipline procedures and are assessed on the student report card. At the middle school level, Youth Leadership Council integrates virtues in their school events in many creative ways, so the whole school can benefit.
The third pillar of Sheboygan Leadership Academy comes from virtues education, and that is service learning. As the various virtues are taught and lived in the school, students naturally become service directed. Authentic service learning grows out of the curriculum – it’s not an addition to it. Through curriculum-based service learning, students are guided to work together to use the knowledge they have acquired to help meet real life needs in the community and beyond.
The final pillar is academic achievement. All students at Sheboygan Leadership Academy are expected to put their best efforts into everything they do. All curriculum areas are standards based and special classes are integrated throughout both the elementary and middle school levels. Technology is an integral part of instruction with one-to-one devices starting in first grade and continuing through eighth grade. Every classroom utilizes interactive touch boards throughout daily lessons. Computers are used throughout the day to enhance curriculum concepts and, at the same time, develop 21st century skills.
Sheboygan Leadership Academy strives to provide a healthy, positive environment where students are prepared to be successful in their future educational endeavors and valued, contributing members of society. In addition to academic life, extracurricular activities, such as Youth Leadership Council and band, are offered.
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