South High School is a safe, caring school that offers a rigorous curriculum with a variety of opportunities to prepare students for careers, citizenship, and life. South High School has adopted a unique schedule to allow students to individualize their high school experience in a flexible learning environment commonly referred to as “Flex Mod.” Students are supported in taking advantage of our many course offerings, participating in college-level course work, and having opportunities for enrollment in work-based learning experiences.
One of the strengths of our flexible schedule is our ability to offer resource rooms. There, teachers certified in math, science, social studies, language arts, physical education, and many of our elective courses are available for students during the school day. These teachers are able to support students in a meaningful way, either by structuring a student’s time to attend resource or by invitation.
At South High School, an innovative career pathways program provides students with community experience, college credit, and potentially a certification in a field of interest. Options include information technology (IT), engineering, medical occupations, hospitality and tourism, manufacturing, business entrepreneurship, teaching preparation, public safety, and construction trades. Many of our pathways are supported by a general four-year college preparatory approach. The pathways represent an exceptional amount of collaboration between South High, higher education institutions, and local businesses. Relationships with Sheboygan County employers give students a distinct advantage in being college and career ready.
Teachers are dedicated to a model of collaboration where they connect course materials to real-world experience, recognizing the need for students to not only learn the content of each course, but to have the instructional opportunities to use critical thinking to demonstrate and apply their learning. Students learn in a technology-rich environment, where education spans from face-to-face instruction to online classroom environments.
Students can choose to participate in over 50 different sports, clubs, or organizations. Extra-curricular activities offer students opportunities and lessons that can’t always be taught in the traditional classroom setting. The core principles of effort, commitment, respect, pride, and leadership are collectively referred to as the “Redwing Way” and represent an established culture of learning, where each student feels safe and supported.
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