Urban Middle School has a tradition of being academically challenging, resulting in high student performance. High expectations define Urban’s rigorous curriculum, which challenges students to move beyond basic knowledge and comprehension to higher order thinking skills. We are proud of our students’ high achievement, our extra and co-curricular offerings, and our athletic program. These programs prepare Urban students physically, socially, and academically for high school success.
Middle School is a time of learning and personal growth for students, and the middle school concept is designed to nurture that growth. Students rotate through a variety of allied arts classes in order to expose students to different subject areas. As students advance to the upper grades, more choices are given to allow students more control over their schedule and learning.
All Urban Middle School students have a Chromebook for daily school and home use. Access to technology is part of the evolution in Sheboygan Area School District’s 1:1 device commitment. The use of this technology is and will continue to be an essential part of daily instruction at the secondary level.
A large percentage of Urban teachers have earned a Master’s degree and a majority of them have more than five years of teaching experience. Urban teachers have a passion for their subject area, allowing them to bring the best educational experience to the students and their families. At Urban, staff, students, and families work together to support less fortunate families in our school community and around the world through Student Council and a strong Middle School Parent Teacher Organization.
Urban is known for its impressive student council, which is one of the largest in the state. The students involved participate in service projects, organize school activities, and receive leadership training. They run concessions, sell apparel, and help to raise money for both the building and student activities.
In addition to student council, students have opportunities to participate in a large number of co-curricular and athletic options. In addition, we offer academic enrichment in the form of the Lakeland Math competition, geography bee, spelling bee, and National History Day competitions. Advisors do their best to schedule the activities so students can participate in any or all activities they are interested in.
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