Sheridan offers many activities for students through the CCLC that add to children's enjoyment, knowledge, friendships and skills in our school setting. Throughout the school year, Sheridan also holds events for families that provide opportunities to meet each other, have fun, and learn some new ideas for supporting their students.
During the current COVID-19 times due to social distancing and sanitizing regulations, many of these activities are on hold or will be held virtually. They will resume when the World Turns Rightside up again. Please check our Facebook Page and Calendar for details on any events that may be held virtually.
Family Nights offer opportunities to meet other families in our Sheridan Community.
Before the first day of school, families are welcome to come to Sheridan and meet the teachers.
Involve yourself with Parents Plus to develop your parenting skills and meet other parents.
Twice a year, students perform both vocal arrangements and instrumental pieces.
Explore activities offered by the Community Recreation Department!
Recreation Department