The Sheboygan Area School District has implemented a 1-to-1 iPad program in grades K-1, and a 1-to-1 Chromebook program in grades 2-5. At Sheridan School, all classrooms are equipped with a data projector, document camera, and SMARTBoard.
Beyond the physical devices, students at Sheridan School have access to a variety of resources to further their education. Books, periodicals, and DVD resources are available through the school library. Electronic resources, such as an online library catalog and several research databases, are also available to students at school or home with any Internet-connected device. Instruction on how to use these resources is available from the Library Media Specialist.
SeeSaw is a Learning Management System that is used primarily in grades K-2 to communicate and connect students and their learning with parents and families. Students access SeeSaw using the app that is installed on their district-provided iPad.
Classroom is a free web-based platform used primarily in grades 3-5. This platform saves time and paper, and makes it easy to create classes, distribute assignments, communicate, and stay organized. Students access Classroom using the app that is installed on their district-provided Chromebook.
Clever is a single sign-on portal for multiple online resources. Students access Clever using the app that is installed on their district-provided device or by going to the Clever site.
To assist in learning about the many ways parents, students, and staff can interact with technology, the SASD Instructional Technology Coaches have created a website with tutorials and other helpful information. Please visit the SASD Instructional Technology Coach website to see all that is offered.
Student use of the internet at school is governed by the STUDENT TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTABLE USE AND SAFETY POLICY. Search by policy number 7540.03 within the Sheboygan Area School District policies.
The Sheboygan Area School District supplies all students grades 2-12 with a Chromebook device. This device is the property of the Sheboygan Area School District and allows students access to Skyward, PowerSchool Learning, GSuite for Education, educational web-based tools, as well as many other useful websites. Students agree to follow the policies in the Chromebook Policy Handbook.
The Sheboygan Area School District supplies all students grades K-1 with an iPad device. This device is the property of the Sheboygan Area School District and allows students access to Google Meet, Seesaw, educational apps, educational web-based tools, as well as many other useful websites. The iPad device is an educational tool that will be used for educational purposes set by the students’ teachers. Students agree to follow the policies in the iPad Policy Handbook.