Our Mission

The Mission of Grant Elementary School  is to create a structured, safe and caring learning  environment where all students can acquire the academic and life skills they need in order to  be successful.

I am an adult member of the Grant School Family.
I understand that my actions, words and attitudes,
have a powerful impact on the
development of the children in my life.
It is my job to set an example of
kindness, self-control, honesty, respect, and
It is my job to teach the life skills that
children need in order to be successful adults.

I am part of the Grant School Family.

Staff Directory

Grant Family Weekly Newsletter

Below is our newsletter. It includes recent flyers that have gone home, upcoming events, and other helpful Grant School information!

February 7th Grant Newsletter

January 31st Grant Newsletter


Grant School Family Meetings

Colorful 3D Classroom School Blank Note Background A4 Document

Grant School Spirit Store

Grant School Spirit Store

Choose from many designs to show your school spirit! Items will be delivered to the school and sent home with your student.

Grant Spirit Wear

Read to Succeed Bookstore

Grant $1 Book Store

Join the Grant School PTO!

Grant PTO

Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. 


Upcoming Events