Positive Behavior and Intervention Support (PBIS) Program

Grant School Family Mission Statement: Create a structured, safe and caring learning environment where students can acquire the academic and life skills they need in order to be successful.

The primary goals of the Positive Behavior and Intervention Support (PBIS) Program are to increase positive and appropriate behavior, reduce ongoing patterns of problem behaviors and increase the likelihood of improved academic performance for all students. This program is based on the belief that appropriate behavior should be taught and learned, just like academics. Appropriate behavior is explained, modeled and reinforced.

  • The Behavior Matrix is built on the core traits of the Grant School Family Pledge: kindness, self-control, honesty, respect and responsibility. The matrix clearly explains what these expected behaviors look like in various places around the school and on school grounds. Our goal is to make the understanding of the expectations as clear as possible.
  • Cool Tool Lessons are used to directly teach students the behaviors expected by the Grant School Family. Students are taught what it means to be “Above the Line” in each identified setting on the Behavior Matrix. These expectations are reviewed on a regular bases and used as a reference if problems arise.
  • “Living Above the Line” Reward Slips are consistently used to reinforce and celebrate student’s success with meeting the behavior expectations. The intent of the reward slips is to give clear, specific praise for “Above the Line” behavior; and shape the actions of other students. Students will have various opportunities to redeem their “Above the Line” slips for special awards, privileges, prizes, etc. In addition, there will be quarterly, school-wide reward activities for students who earn this privilege.
  • Discipline Referral Forms are used to document inappropriate behavior, and a copy of referral is sent home to communicate with parents. Even with teaching children the expectations, offering pre-correction or reminders and positive reinforcement; some students will still misbehave. For those instances, a discipline Referral will be used to communicate with students and parents. In addition, the information collected from the forms will allow Grant staff to keep track of behavioral data in order to be proactive in addressing problem behaviors.

Focuses on teaching, modeling and reinforcing positive behaviors throughout the school day, throughout the building…by all staff, every day.

The Grant School Family school-wide behavior matrix defines the expected behaviors in key locations within the school.

-matrix creates the “curriculum” that will guide the teaching of expected behaviors

-enhances communication and creates a common language between students, staff and families

Teachers develop, teach, model and reinforce classroom expectations through a classroom matrix that defines the expectation in different routines within the classroom.

Focuses on students who are at-risk for an academic and/or social-behavioral concern.

-students who continue to engage in frequent low-level problem behavior despite effective school-wide, Tier 1 prevention efforts

-students who could benefit from extra attention or support at school before they are in crisis

The choice of interventions is based on the function of problem behavior.

-Check-In/Check-Out (CICO)

-individualized or small group skill-building

-targeted environmental interventions (ie classroom, playground, etc.)


Focuses on students who are not showing improvement for an academic and/or social-behavioral concern.

-students who continue to engage in frequent low-level problem behavior despite effective school-wide, Tier 2 prevention efforts

One of the best features of PBIS is that it acknowledges that children need to be taught to behave just as they are taught to read, write, etc. There are many ways in which these same principles apply to life in YOUR family, as well as the Grant School Family. We look forward to sharing what we learn, and we invite you to make this work for your at-home family as well! We welcome you to join us for monthly Grant School Family Meetings (please check the school calendar).

Each month our Family Meetings focus on a different Character Trait or Big Idea. Grant School Family Homework gives you a chance to discuss and practice these important ideas at home. The Homework is sent home at the beginning of each month. Families who return the Homework will be eligible for a monthly prize drawing. Then completed Homework is returned to your family to serve as a reminder of your ideas and goals.

Join us for our Family Kickoff in September and Family Summer Fun Fest in May. Or feel free to contact the school with any questions you might have about how the Grant School Family can help your family!

For additional information regarding PBIS in general, visit our district PBIS webpage.

For additional information regarding PBIS at Grant School, contact Danielle Smith

Dani Smith, School Counselor
Office Phone Number: 920.459.3629
Google Voice Number: 920.395.3508
Email: dsmith@sasd.net