Academics at Jefferson School

Jefferson Elementary School staff use a variety of strategies and interventions when teaching students.  These pieces help all students work toward academic and personal success. 

Achievement Gap Reduction Program

The Achievement Gap Reduction Program was created by the Wisconsin State Legislature in 2015. Through this program, class size is limited and teachers receive additional coaching in making use of data to determine strategies to use.

Early Literacy Intervention (ELI)

The Early Literacy Intervention (ELI) program is an intense reading support group for first and second grade students. Students with multiple reading concerns are the typical candidates for ELI.

English Learners (EL)

To ensure students acquire sufficient English proficiency and to enable them to function successfully in the classroom and society the EL curriculum is content-based and reflect mainstreamed curriculum whenever possible, and students are placed at age-appropriate grade levels regardless of English language proficiency.

Fountas and Pinnell Reading Assessment

At Jefferson, teachers have received training in the Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System. We use this tool to help identify each individual student's strengths, weaknesses and needs in reading. We then use this information to develop appropriate instruction.

Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support (PBIS)

PBIS is an acronym for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. The goal of PBIS is to promote and teach appropriate pro-social skills and behaviors to maximize academic success for all students.

Response to Intervention (RtI)

Response to Intervention (RtI) is a multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs.

School Counselor

Each class sees the school counselor for Guidance Class for 30 minutes every other week. Lessons are based on the Academic, Personal/Social, and Career Development Domains of the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards for School Counseling. 

School Garden

As part of our science enrichment, Jefferson has teamed up with Nourish , a volunteer organization that works with farmers to supply produce to the community.

Special Education

All students should be provided with an education in the development of cognitive skills, affective skills, self-awareness, self-esteem, physical well being, and socially acceptable decision making strategies.

Title I

Title I is a federal program that provides money to school districts to help children become successful learners.

Youth-Tutoring-Youth (YTY)

Youth-Tutoring-Youth is a program that provides high school students with an opportunity to give direct tutoring assistance to elementary classrooms under the guidance of a supervising and coordinating teacher.

Visit our wide range of Internet resources for Jefferson School students.
