Approximate bus pick-up and drop-off times are now posted for the 2024-25 school year.

If you need to add busing, make a change or no longer need transportation, please contact your school secretary.

Below are documents listing approximate bus pick-up and drop-off times for student transportation for the 2024-25 school year. 

If you need to add busing, make a change or no longer need transportation, please contact your school secretary.

Bus times may vary due to weather, road construction, traffic or changes to the route. Please have your student waiting at their assigned bus stop 10 minutes prior to the suggested bus time.

Regular Education Transportation Routes (last updated 01/17/2025)

Bus Routes are listed by school to and from routes in numerical order.

Special Education Transportation Routes (last updated 01/09/2025)

Bus Routes are listed by school to and from routes in numerical order.

Charter School and Parochial School Transportation Routes (last updated 01/09/2025)

Bus Routes are listed by school to and from routes in numerical order.

For more information on bus eligibility and the rules of the Sheboygan Area School District's Student Transportation, please view the Transportation page.
