Michael Rank

Colleges/Universities attended:

Marian University, Fond du Lac, WI Education Leadership Earned Master's Degree in December 2007

University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Oshkosh, WI Physical Education (PreK-12) 

Clubs/Activities/Sports you are involved in at South:

Coaching athletics for 25 years + counting in boys basketball, football, golf, & track.
Winter athletic events supervisor and I try to attend all home athletic events. I also like to attend and watch our very talented performers.

Favorite hobbies OUTSIDE of school:

Spending time with family. Landscaping & anything on the water: Boating, Wave Runners, fishing. I also like to golf with friends when I have time.

Why are you proud to be a Redwing?

I am proud to be a Redwing because our school is unique & diverse. South HS has so many opportunities in a variety of educational programs, clubs, activities, and athletics. Our students and staff work together for the greater good and our students want to learn. Our staff, administration, and our students have a special synergy unlike any school in the city of Sheboygan and State of Wisconsin.

What were you involved in when YOU were in high school?

South High School Alumni Class of 1993. I was involved in athletics participating in basketball, football, baseball, and track. I was also involved as a volunteer in many community events.

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