Redwing Way Summer Fitness

This summer we will again be offering Redwing Way Summer Fitness opportunities for any students that would like to improve their overall strength, fitness, and wellness. This is highly encouraged for all athletes at South. Below are the sessions that are being offered this summer and the coaches that will be helping during the sessions. We need anyone interested to sign up on Skyward for one of the three sessions listed below. It is free! Sign up on Skyward!

Redwing Way Summer Fitness Starts Monday June 12th


Session 1 (experienced lifters preferred)

  • 7:15am-8:45am 
  • Coach Rank, Coach White and Ms. Schmidt

Session 2 (female lifters preferred)

  • 8:45am-10:15am 
  • Mr. Hein, Ms. Schmidt, Coach Stenz, Coach Zietz

Session 3 (inexperienced lifters preferred)

  • 10:15am-11:45am
  • Mr. Hein, Mr. Pitsch, Ms. Schmidt, Coach Zietz