Activities at Wilson School

At Wilson School, students and families have many opportunities to be involved and learn outside of the school day. We offer many evening activities for families as well as after school programs and clubs for students.


Color Run and Step It Up!

The Color Run is a fun, family event that is held on a Friday in late May or early June. As part of the school-wide Color Run, students are encouraged to participate in a fun and fantastic fitness fundraiser known as Step It Up.


Fifth Grade Sports Day

This annual tradition brings together fifth-grade students across the district for friendly competition and fun.


Pop Tops for Cancer Camp

For more than 10 years, Wilson School students have helped to raise money for children with cancer simply by saving pop tops from aluminum cans.


Red Wolf Bookstore

Buy a book for just $1!


Safety Patrol

The Safety Patrol is a group of Fifth Graders that are committed to providing a safe school environment both before and after school for all students at Wilson Elementary.


Student Council

Student Council brings you events and special days Crazy Hair Day, Popcorn Sales, and The 'Souper' Bowl.



This letter-writing program has become a tradition that we all look forward to at Wilson.


Book Fair

The Wilson Library staff hosts a Book Fair each year.


Fall Fest

Fall Fest takes place during the first month of school and is the PTO’s largest fundraiser of the year.


Harvest Costume Ball

Fall festivities continue with the first dance of the year.


Ice Cream Social

The Ice Cream Social began as a celebration to commemorate the 100th day of school and has turned into a gathering for all ages.


Santa Secret Shop

Santa’s Secret Shop is an in-school holiday shopping experience for children.

Explore activities offered by the Community Recreation Department!

Recreation Department