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Central High Student wins SPARKS Welding Event

October 31, 2024

Riley Welding

Riley Sundee Central High Senior, won the Sparks event welding competition last week at Lakeshore College. He received a $1,000 scholarship through the AWS Lakeshore Section.

Riley has also earned the Intro to Industrial Welding Certificate, which is a completed college credential before he graduates. He will continue to work toward a tech diploma next semester. 

This is a great example of the benefits that the early college program can provide to our students.

Riley Welding.jpg


School Choice to Central High School!

June 10, 2024

School Choice LogoWhen you school choice to Central High School, your academic program begins!

Central High is currently accepting applications for School Choice.

Central High is a charter high school with a focus on individualized learning. We offer smaller class sizes, work experience programs, Early College and Career Exploration, and Tech classes with over 13 Industry Recognized Certificates.

To apply : Central High School Choice Form

At Central, you will experience a special sense of belonging. Our dedicated and experienced staff helps students grow by nurturing positive relationships, and supporting students unique educational goals.

SASD Annual Asbestos Notification

SASD Annual Asbestos Notification

November 15, 2024

Department of Business Services

Facilities Services



for Parents-Teachers-Employees

The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) of 1986 requires that each student, parent, teacher,

employee, union, and PTA/PTO must be notified in writing of the existence of asbestos and the

management/operational plan in each of the schools in the Sheboygan Area School District.

Maintenance projects continue throughout the district to repair any damaged asbestos and will continue into

2025. An ongoing operations and maintenance program has been implemented and will remain in effect until

all ACBM (asbestos-containing building materials) has been removed from the district’s buildings.

The district inspects each building every 180 days to monitor all asbestos between each three-year reinspection

and makes all necessary repairs to comply with the law. The three-year reinspection required by law by an

independent, qualified inspection company was last completed in summer of 2022.

The inspection report and management plan are available for your inspection/review during normal business

hours at the district’s Central Support Facility, Facilities Services office. The management plan and subsequent

removal plans are also available for inspection at each individual school’s principal’s office. For a reasonable

fee for reproduction, copies of these documents can also be obtained by contacting the district’s Facilities

Services office.

Department of Business Services

Facilities Services


Rau Cov Niam Txiv – Xib Fwb- Neeg Ua Hauj Lwm
hais txog
Muaj txoj cai Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) xyoo 1986 tau sau tias yuav tsum sau
ntawv qhia rau txhua tus me nyuam kawm ntawv, niam txiv, xib fwb, cov neeg ua hauj lwm, koos haum
union, thiab PTA/PTO kom paub txog hais tias muaj cov hmoov mos mos kho vej tse hu Asbestos no zwm
rau qhov twg thiab qhia txog lub hom phiaj tswj hwm/khiav num li cas nyob rau hauv txhua lub tsev kawm
ntawv hauv Nroog Sheboygan Koog Tsev Kawm Ntawv.
Cov neeg kho vaj tse yuav kho thiab xyuas hauv koog tsev kawm ntawv seb muaj qhov twg puas, Asbesto
tshwm sim, lawv yuav kho ntxiv mus rau xyoos kawm 2025 no. Kuj tsim muaj txoj kev pab cuam los khiav
cov dej num thiab tswj hwm txog qhov no thiab yuav muaj mus ntxiv txog thaum cov ACBM (asbestos) uas
yog cov khoom muaj cov hmoov mos mos kho vaj tse no tau raug tshem tawm tag hauv koog tsev kawm
ntawv cov tsev.
Koog tsev kawm ntawv yuav xyuas txhua lub tsev kawm ntawv 180 hnub ib zaug thiab peb xyoos twg yuav
tsum tau kuaj thiab hloov cov khoom uas muaj Asbestos no kom raws li txoj cai. Peb lub xyoos twg, raws li
txoj cai yuav kom ntiav ib lub tuam txhab muaj ntaub ntawv lais xees uas tsis muaj feem xyuas txuam nrog
qhov twg thiab paub txog cov teeb meem no tuaj kuaj ib zaug. Yog li ntawd, lawv twb tuaj kuaj tag rau
thaum lub caij ntuj sov xyoo 2022 lawm.
Lawv muaj cov ntaub ntawv qhia txog saib tus kws tuaj kuaj no pom li cas thiab kuj muaj cov tswv yim npaj
tias yuav tswj li cas nyob rau tim Tsev Kawm ntawv Chav Ua Num Loj Central Support Facility, Facilities
Service chaw ua hauj lwm es yog nej leej twg xav paub, tuaj mus saib tau rau lub sij hawm qhib ua hauj lwm.
Cov ntaub ntawv qhia txog kev tswj hwm thiab cov hom phiaj npaj tshem tawm li cas kuj muaj rau nej tuaj
kuaj tau nyob rau tus thawj xib fwb ntawm txhua lub tsev kawm chav. Tus nqi kuj tsis kim thiab yog leej twg
xav tau qauv luam cia, thov hais rau tsev kawm ntawv chav Facilities Management Service chaw ua hauj lwm

Departamento de Servicios de Negocio
Servicios a Instalaciones
diciembre del 2024
Padres - Maestros - Empleados
El Acto de Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Responder a una Emergencia Peligrosa de Asbestos (AHERA) de
1986 requiere que cada alumno, padre, maestro, empleados, unión, y PTA/PTO sea notificado por escrito de la
existencia de Asbesto y el plan operacional/manejo de las escuelas del Distrito Escolar del Área de Sheboygan.
Proyectos de mantenimiento continúan a través del distrito para reparar cualquier asbesto dañado y continuará
hacia el 2025. Un programa de operaciones y manejo ha sido implementado y continuará en efecto hasta que
todo ACBM (material de edificio conteniendo asbestos) sea removido del los edificios del distrito.
El distrito inspecciona cada edificio escolar cada 180 días para revisar todo el asbesto entre cada re-inspección
de tres años y hace todas las reparaciones para cumplir con la ley. La re-inspección de los tres años, requerida
por la ley, se hizo por medio de una compañía independiente, calificada en el verano del 2022.
El reporte de inspección y plan de manejo esta disponible para su inspección/revisión durante las horas normales
de negocio en las Instalaciones de Apoyo, en la oficina de Instalaciones de Servicio. El plan de manejo y planes
subsecuentes para remover el asbesto también están disponibles para su inspección en cada oficina individual,
en la oficina del director. Por un costo razonable, se pueden reproducir copias de estos documentos
comunicándose con las oficinas de Instalaciones de Servicio del distrito.

Central High School Supplies List

July 8, 2024

Central High School Supplies List

4-6 Single Subject Spiral Bound Notebooks

4-6 Two pocket folders

2-3 Packages of pencils

1-2 packs of pens

1-2 Boxes of Kleenex to be given to Advisory teacher *OPTIONAL

Markers or Sharpies

2-3 Highlighters

Sticky (Post-It) notes

1-2 Packages College Ruled Loose leaf paper

1-2 Package of index cards

School supplies w400

Central High Students Attend Presentation by Human Trafficking Task Force

Central High Students Attend Presentation by Human Trafficking Task Force

January 27, 2023

This week, over 50 Central High School students participated in a presentation and interactive discussion titled “Healthy Choices, Healthy Lives” with the Sheboygan County Human Trafficking Task Force.