Resources for Central High School Students

Central High School bell schedule

2024-2025 Bell Schedule 

Please check back for our new schedule for the 2024-2025 school year.

Behavior and Attendance Policies

At Central High School, it is our goal to provide a safe, productive learning environment for our students. We strive to promote behavior and attendance that help students succeed, earn their high school diploma, and pursue coursework that will provide them with opportunities to earn college credit. The behavior and attendance policies explained in this document support these goals. We ask parents to join us in the support of these expectations by discussing these policies with their students at home.

School Rules

Students are expected to follow all classroom rules as determined by the classroom teacher, as well as District policies. Central High School students will be respectful, responsible and safe. Students will use respectful, appropriate language throughout the school day.

The Central High School Day

Central High’s School day begins at 8:30 AM, and ends at 2:40 PM, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 

Teachers are available to students and parents from 2:45 PM to 3:45 PM. Students will receive the expectations of their teachers and are expected to meet those expectations.

Cell Phone/ Other Electronic Devices

Students at Central High are allowed the privilege of using their cell phones before and after school and during lunch time. Devices that interfere with learning and student instruction, will be addressed progressively.

Physical Contact

Physical contact, such as striking, pushing or other inappropriate contact with another student or staff member may result in suspension and police involvement.

Smoking/Vaping/Illegal Drugs

Smoking is prohibited on school grounds. Any form of illegal drug, including alcohol, will involve a suspension and possibly removal from Central High School. E-cigarettes, vaping, or similar devices are not allowed on school grounds.


Attendance is essential to student overall success, likelihood of graduation, and participation in our early college courses through Lakeshore Technical College. We ask that all parents/guardians assist in ensuring their student(s) attends school daily. Should a student need miss school due to illness or other excusable absence, a parent or legal guardian must call 920-459-6746 within 24 hours.

Students may be excused up to 10 times during a school year, at which point a doctor note may be required to excuse the student. Students missing 3 consecutive days are required to bring a doctor excuse.

Per Wisconsin state law, A student will be considered a habitual truant if s/he is absent from school without an acceptable excuse for part or all of 10 days of unexcused absences per school year.

A habitual truant may face the following consequences:

  • Mandatory parent meeting
  • Referral to Social Services
  • Truancy citations for parents and/ or students

Night School

Central High School offers Night School to those students working on a credit recovery program. Students can take both day classes and Night School courses in order to meet graduation requirements. The Night school program is offered Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and begins promptly at 3:00 and ends at 5:00 p.m. Students must ring the doorbell for entry to the program. No one aside from enrolled Night School students will be admitted.

if you have any questions about the attendance and behavior policies at Central High School please contact Josh Kestell at 920-459-6745.

Learn about health resources for Central High School.

School Nurses