The Sheboygan North High School Physical Education Department strives to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to be an active and healthy individual for a lifetime. The goal of our classes is to engage all students in as much physical activity as possible while teaching the basic fitness concepts that answer the question, Why is it important to stay physically active? and How do I stay physically fit?
Below is a list of required PE courses needed for graduation and a list of our Elective Classes:
(1.5 Credits are required over 3 years)
PE 9 (.5 Credits)
PE I (.5 Credits)
PE II (.5 Credits)
Strength and Conditioning (.5 Credits)
Recreational Games (.5 Credits)
Lifetime Fitness (.5 Credits)
Lifeguard Training (.5 HONORS Credits)
Coaching and Officiating (.5 Credits)
Department Head: Tanya TenPas
Phone: 920.459.3600 ext. 6152