About Sheboygan North High School

North's Vision

At North High School, students, parents, staff and community members work together to provide equal opportunity for learners to attain their highest level of academic achievement, personal growth, and intellectual development in a safe and caring environment.

Sheboygan Area School District North High School. Photo of Sheboygan North High School main entrance.


Nhsadmin 2023

North Offices


Open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Door #2/East parking lot


June 12 - August 11
Open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Closed Fridays

Closed the week of July 3 - July 7th

Our Administrative Office guides our learning environment.  Some of our services include student engagement and learning, graduation, transcripts for graduates, and communication to families.

Ms Karly Hayon - Secretary to the Principal

920.459.3602 / khayon@sasd.net 

Ms. Amber Casadonte  - Secretary to the Associate Principals & Dean of Students

920.459.3607 / acasadonte@sasd.net 

Our Main Office is located at our main entrance (door #2) off of 10th Street.  Currently our office hours for the virtual school day run from 7:30 am - 3:30 pm each school day.

Ms. Sally Ross - Secretary

920.459.3534 / sross@sasd.net

Ms Lauren Hayon - Attendance Secretary

920.459.4005 / lhayon@sasd.net

Our Student Services Office would love to help you. Our services include registering students, scheduling, report cards, transcripts, scholarships, academic and career planning, mental health, AODA support, financial aid, and student enrichment.

Ms. Lynn Bitney - Student Services Secretary

920.459.3558 / lbitney@sasd.net

Ms. Karen Scheib - Registrar

920.803.7693 / kscheib@sasd.net

Student Services

Our athletics and financial office located just off of our commons. Our services include supporting student athletics, coaches, clubs and activities, student fees and fines and our Alumni.

Financial Office Hours 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Activities Office Hours 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Ms. Heidi Prisinger - Athletic and Activities Secretary

920.459.4087 / hprisinger@sasd.net

Ms. Tanya Baeza - Financial Secretary

920.459.3608 / tbaeza@sasd.net

Athletics & Activities

Learn about activities and resources for North High School alumni.


State Report Card

As part of the state accountability system, the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) produces report cards for every district and school in Wisconsin.

Visiting Sheboygan North High School

A guest is considered an invited or appearing individual that is not of high school age. If the guest is of high school age please refer to Visitor’s Pass on page 41 of the Student Planner.

No guest passes will be given out when exams or finals are scheduled.

All guests of North High School are required to sign the Visitors Log located in the General Office when they arrive and sign out when they leave.

If past students would like to visit specific teachers, it is suggested:

  • The past student should contact the teachers to see if and when they are available for visitors. The teacher will advise the General Office of when the guest will be coming in. 
  • If a past student has not made plans to visit, a member of the Administration team will be contacted to advise if guest pass should be given.

It is the Administration Team's discretion if a guest pass is given without prior notification.

Academic Assessments

In all cases, assessment results are used by teachers, schools and the district as part of an established protocol of continuous improvement. Individual student needs are recognized and evaluated. Student growth is compared to expected growth and districtwide growth is measured to evaluate successes and plan for the future.

High School students take three main assessments during high school:

  • ACT
  • Aspire
  • WorkKeys


Assessment is used to monitor student progress. In the classrooms, teachers provide a variety of experiences that will help students practice the skills necessary to help them learn and apply their knowledge in order to demonstrate their understanding. There are a variety of assessments that are used in the district in order to monitor the progress of individual students, track student growth, and evaluate the success of the school and district. Some of these assessments are required by the state, others are part of district efforts to monitor and evaluate progress.


There are a variety of assessments that are used in the district in order to monitor the progress of individual students, track student growth, and evaluate the success of the school and district. Some of these assessments are required by the state, others are part of district efforts to monitor and evaluate progress.

For questions about the test or how the test is used, please contact our Assessment Department at (920) 459-3560.