North High School Academics

Academics at North High school are designed with every student in mind. Our programs offer both unique and standardized course work that meets the individual interests of our students. We strive to create academic programs that provide avenues for every student to succeed.

Academic & Career Planning

Academic and Career Planning, or ACP, is a student-driven, adult-supported process in which students create and cultivate their own unique and information-based visions for post-secondary success, obtained through self-exploration, career exploration, and the development of career management and planning skills.


Learn about Art at North High School.

Business Ed

No matter what careers our students pursue, the common touch-point among all of them is business. Business is a part of all of our lives, regardless of occupation.

English Language Arts

The North High ELA Department fosters student engagement in reading, writing, speaking & listening skills, and critical thought.

Excel Center

The Excel Center for Personalized Learning is an after school opportunity for students who are credit deficient due to failures in core classes are offered the ability to redo core credit(s). 


The North GED02 program gives credit deficient seniors an opportunity to graduate on time by combining earned credits in the traditional setting and GED test scores to document competency of high school Common Core and Wisconsin State Standards.

Family and Consumer Science

The Family & Consumer Science departments mission is to prepare students to be competent, confident and caring in managing their personal, family and career lives, while building strong relationships in our ever-changing world.


Health is required for graduation, students need to have a half credit some time in their high school career. We try to use a variety of lessons to enable the students to use a range of learning styles.


A new business program that is set to start in 2020 at North High School within the Sheboygan Area School District will allow students the opportunity to develop their own real-world services and products that could potentially garner thousands of dollars in funding.

Innovator Fellowship

What if... You had an hour or two each day, to write a movie script, invent a product, create an app, compose music, develop your art, or start a business collaborating with professionals both in and out of the industry, who could help you achieve your dreams, while earning honors credit?


Learn about Literacy at Sheboygan North High School.


The North High Math Department strives to provide all of our students the skills necessary to reach their goals.

ML (Multilingual Learners)

Welcome! Zoo siab tos txais! Bienvenidos! Learn more about our Multilingual Department


Welcome to North High Music Department. We are pleased to offer a variety of music learning opportunities for students of North High.

Phy Ed

The Sheboygan North High School Physical Education Department strives to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to be an active and healthy individual for a lifetime.

Raider Learning Center

The Raider Learning Center is an opportunity during the school day for students who are credit deficient due to failures in core classes are offered the ability to redo that core credit(s).

Red Raider Manufacturing

Red Raider Manufacturing represents a partnership between Sheboygan Area School District, local manufacturing companies, and Lakeshore Technical College, who are working together to educate a stronger community.


The North High Science Department contributes to a student's ability to make sense of the world around them.


(Students Helping, Accepting, Relating and Empowering) Others to Succeed

Social Studies

Behold!! You have entered the realm that, once experienced, you will never wish to leave. All other departments pale in comparison to the allure and appeal of Social Studies.

Special Ed

Learn about Special Ed at Sheboygan North High School.

Tech Ed

Learn about Tech Ed at Sheboygan North High School.

World Languages

The North High School Department of World Languages seeks to advance World Language proficiency by engaging our students so that each individual can participate in and appreciate the increasingly diverse and multicultural society in which we live.

Youth Tutoring Youth (YTY)

Youth Tutoring Youth (YTY) is an elective, credited class for high school students.

Explore the College Credit Courses offered at North High School.

College Credit Courses