Booster Club

Why Join Booster club?

booster club contact information

  • Provide fundraising support and opportunties to extra-curricular programs
  • Promote school spirit and pride thoughout the high school and community at large
  • Promote active and involved parent community leadership

Meetings for 2024-25

2nd Monday of every other month - 6:30 PM - Room 119

Agenda 8_12_24

Agenda 9_16_24

Agenda 11_11_24

January 13

March 10

May 12

Executive Board

Michele Konrad

Tanya Ten Pas

Treasurer (Group Accounts)
Jean Waibel

Treasurer (Activities)
Tim Roose

Vice President - Concessions (ordering)
Shari Stahl

Vice President - Concessions (counting/restocking)
Blanca Martinez

Vice President - Scrip
Lisa Revelis

Vice President - Sponsorship/PR

Member at Large

Image of calendar raffle

Weekly Winners

January 11 - S. Cinealis 0770

January 18 - G. Seefeldt 0206

January 25 - D. Juergens. 0995

February 1 - J. Riopelle 696

Febrary 8 - M. Allen 1064

Feburary 15 - M. Debbink 0705

February 22 - L. VanDeventer 0431

February 29 - C. Gierke 0066

March 7 - A. Brault 0719

March 14 - J. Stahl 0342

Questions for Sheboygan North Booster can be directed to: