¡Hola! Hello! Welcome to my web page. My name is Kelly Stauss and I teach Spanish and English here at North High School. This year I teach Spanish 2 and Spanish 3 and junior English. I am proud to be part of this diverse, intellectual staff here at North. The faculty works hard to engage students in rigorous, student-friendly curriculum.
I earned a BS from UW Oshkosh in 1992 and am dual certified in English and Spanish. I earned a MS in Educational Leadership from UW Oshkosh in 1996. I have also taught second year Spanish, freshman English, Major American and Major British Writers through my 32 years of teaching here.
I live in Howards Grove with my husband Brian and a somewhat needy golden doodle, Jordy. Our two sons Zachary and Derek have graduated from Northwestern and UW La Crosse. Zac lives and works in Chicago while Derek lives in Sun Prairie but is happy to travel frequently for work. We love to travel and take Jordy on hikes. I also love to read in my spare time and love to help my students find books they can enjoy.
I look forward to meeting new students and getting to know their families. Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.
Sra. Stauss
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