Monday-Friday 7:00 am - 4:00 PM
Department Head: Stacy Gloede
Library Phone: 920.459.6789
Google Voice: 920.395.6624
Empower Curious Minds
Encourage others to read by recommending a good book that you have read.
Look for your recommendations to be posted around the building!!!
Use this form to recommend a specific book or request a topic you think we should add to our library collection.
Art & Architecture
Art & Architecture is a robust art research database providing full-text art journals, magazines and books, plus detailed indexing and abstracts. Useful for artists, art scholars and designers, it covers fine, decorative and commercial art, as well as architecture and architectural design.
North students should contact Mrs Stacy Gloede for the username and password to access this database.
Xello is an Internet-based career exploration and planning tool used to explore career and college options and develop a career plan.
Username: first initial, last name, 6 digit student ID (sgloede127890)
Password: 6 digit ID (127890)
Career Preparation - BadgerLink
Make your work goals a reality - start a new career or advance in your current field.
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NoodleBib is an online tool that simplifies the process of creating and editing MLA and APA-style source lists.
North students use the Clever icon to log in > type Sheboygan North High School > Google sign in
Starting a project (1:20)
Project Screen Explained (PDF)
Creating a citation in NoodleTools (1:17)
Sharing your project with another student
Creating a Notecard Write a Notecard(1:27)
OWL MLA Formatting
The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources to assist with many writing projects.
Education Research Complete - BadgerLink
Research covering all levels of education from early childhood to higher education. For college-level and adult researchers.
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Education Administration Abstracts - BadgerLink
Citations covering all areas related to educational administration. For college-level and adult researchers
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ERIC - BadgerLink
Citations and links to full-text articles related to education. For collect-level and adult researchers.
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Explora Educator's Edition - BadgerLink
Lesson plans, curriculum standards, and other professional development resources for educators.
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High School Equivalency Center - BadgerLink
Guided support and preparation to help you earn a high school equivalency credential.
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Professional Development Collection - BadgerLink
Collection of education journals for educators and researchers.
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Teacher Reference Center - BadgerLink
Research database for teachers providing indexing and abstracts for more than 220 peer-reviewed journals.
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Bloom's Literature
A tool for enriching the study of literature. It highlights more than 400 full-length performance videos, the full contents of more than 800 classic literary works, more than 190 books edited by Harold Bloom, and thousands of images. In addition, Bloom?s Literature now features a comprehensive Shakespeare Center with everything students need to study Shakespeare? Including the full text of all of his plays? Plus a redesigned? "How to write about?" section with improved functionality and special sections covering how to write a good essay.
North students should contact Mrs Stacy Gloede for the username and password to access this database.
Core Collections Complete - BadgerLink
Interface search for Children's, Middle & Junior High and Senior High Core Collections that includes reliable guides for collection development and maintenance, curriculum support, reader's advisory and general reference.
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North High School's eBook collection housed in our Destiny Library catalog. A collection of over 1000 titles.
Use your Skyward username and password to log into Destiny to view eBooks.
Literary Reference Center Plus
This database is made available through BadgerLink and provides a broad spectrum of information on thousands of authors and their works across disciplines and timeframes.
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NoveList - BadgerLInk
NoveList is a fiction database available through BadgerLink that provides subject heading access, reviews, annotations and much more for over 125,000 fiction titles. It also includes author read alikes, book discussion guides, booktalks, and annotated book lists.
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Poetry & Short Story Reference Center - BadgerLink
Full-text classic and contemporary poems, short stories, biographies, essays, lesson plans and learning guides.
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Tumble Book Library
The Tumble book is a collection of TumbleBooks (animated, talking picture books) with fiction, non-fiction and foreign language titles, Read-Alongs (chapter books with sentence highlighting and narration but no animation), Tumble TV which consists of pre-set playlists of a sequence of books, Tumble Puzzles & Games, and Tumble Resources for teachers and students.
North students should contact Mrs Stacy Gloede for the username and password to access this database.
TeachingBooks is a database of resources for children's and young adult books and their authors and illustrators. Use TeachingBooks to search titles, authors and illustrators, and find resources to engage readers. The resource collection includes short movies, audio book readings, book discussion guides, and more.
Use your sasd email to access
Alt HealthWatch - BadgerLink
Alternative and holistic approaches to health care and wellness. For college-level and adult researchers
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Consumer Health Complete - BadgerLink
Consumer-oriented health content, from mainstream to holistic medicine. For high school students, college-level, and adult researchers.
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Teen Health & Wellness
Real Life, Real answers, Rosen Publishing Online, provides students with comprehensive curricular support and self-help tools on topics including diseases, drugs, alcohol, nutrition, fitness, mental health, diversity, family life and more.
North students should contact Mrs Stacy Gloede for the username and password to access this database.
Health Resources - BadgerLink
Access point to EBSCOhost health-specific databese for high school, college, and adult researchers.
Choose our library (Sheboygan- Sheboygan Area School District) / school barcode: sheboygan
Wisconsin's Online Library - From personal interest to educational research, Badgerlink provides Wisconsin residents with licensed trustworthy content not available from free search engines. Use the All Resources link to search multiple databases.
Choose our library (Sheboygan- Sheboygan Area School District) / school barcode: sheboygan How to search Badgerlink (10:22)
Britannica Library - BadgerLink
Comprehensive reference and learning resource for children and adults.
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Consumer Reports - BadgerLink
Full-text PDF version of the popular consumer magazine.
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Funk & Wagnall's New World Encyclopedia - BadgerLink
Encyclopedia for college-level and adult researchers.
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Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary - BadgerLink
The largest, most comprehensive American Dictionary.
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World Book
Databases include: Early World of Learning, Kids, Student, Advanced, Timelines, Academic and Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos
North students should contact Mrs Stacy Gloede for the username and password to access this database.
PebbleGo and PebbleGo Next are research tools with informational articles about a variety of subject matters including biographies. Includes videos and read aloud features.
North students should contact Mrs Stacy Gloede for the username and password to access this database.
ImageQuest has millions of royalty free images on one site from 60 of the world's most respected image libraries.
North students should contact Mrs Stacy Gloede for the username and password to access this database.
WeVideo is a cloud-based editing platform that allows users of all skill levels the opportunity to create professional-style videos, podcasts and more.
Sign in using your SASD google account or contact Mrs. Gloede for the invite code.
Experience the story of news, the role of a free press in major events in history, and how the core freedoms of the First Amendment — religion, speech, press, assembly and petition — apply to your lives. Library World Edition World Collection - BadgerLink
Historical newspapers archive from the 1700s-2000s containing thoughs of well-known regional, state, and small local newspapers in the United States and other countries.
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Newspapers Source Plus- BadgerLink
Full-text coverage of today's major newspapers for students and researchers.
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Focused on building student reading comprehension by providing high-quality news articles
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Newswires - BadgerLink
Provides real-time access to top work-wide news for students and researchers.
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Regional Business News - BadgerLink
Full-text regional U.S. and Canadian business publications for students and adults.
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U.S. Newsstream - BadgerLink
Current and archival to 1980s U.S. news featuring key national and regional sources including The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Newsday, and Chicago Tribune as well as over 80 Gannett Titles.
Choose our library (Sheboygan- Sheboygan Area School District) / school barcode: sheboygan
World Newspapers - World book
World Newspapers can be found in the Advanced database of World book.
North students should contact Mrs Stacy Gloede for the username and password to access this database.
Wisconsin Newspaper Association - Archive of Wisconsin Newspapers - BadgerLink
Full-text daily and weekly Wisconsin newspapers from 2005 to 90 days ago, plus newspapers from the 1800's and 1900s. For student and adult researchers.
Choose our library (Sheboygan- Sheboygan Area School District) / school barcode: sheboygan
Wisconsin's Online Library - From personal interest to educational research, Use the All Resources link to search multiple databases for magazine and newspaper articles. You can select databases to narrow your search or search them all.
Choose our library (Sheboygan- Sheboygan Area School District) / school barcode: sheboygan
Basic Searching Video:
Academic Search Premier - BadgerLink
Comprehensive database of academic journals for scholarly research. For college-level and adult researchers.
Choose our library (Sheboygan- Sheboygan Area School District) / school barcode: sheboygan
Advance Placement Source - BadgerLink
Full-text journals and magazines for high school students enrolled in various Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses.
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MAS Complete - BadgerLink
Collection of magazines books, and multimedia covering a wide-range of subject areas. For high school students.A
Choose our library (Sheboygan- Sheboygan Area School District) / school barcode: sheboygan
MaterFILE Complete - BadgerLink
Popular full-text magazines, refence books and other sources from the world's leading publishers.
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Primary Search - BadgerLink
Full-text magazines for elementary school students.
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Humanities International Complete - BadgerLink
Full-text information for literature, philosophy, the arts, and history. For college-level ad adult reserachers.
Choose our library (Sheboygan- Sheboygan Area School District) / school barcode: sheboygan
ipl2 - Philosophy
The Internet Public Library (ipl2) was a non-profit, largely student-run website no longer being updated. The Philosophy web site is primarily devoted to developing an online commentary on the writings of the nineteenth century existentialist philosophers.
Think demonstrates the relevance of philosophy to everyday life and forges a direct link between contemporary philosophy and the widest possible readership.
Philosophy Recommendations
This is a list of sites recommended for Philosophy students.
EBSCO's PsychARTICLES provides access to the full text of more than 80 landmark journals in behavioral science and related fields ranging from education, to nursing, to business, to neuroscience from the American Psychological Association, the Canadian Psychological Association and Hogrefe Publishing Group (English-language titles)
Points of View Reference Center
Articles covering all aspects of human impact on the world. For college-level and adult researchers.A
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Science Reference eBook Collection - BadgerLink
this ebook reference collection offers a rich selection of eBook titles covering Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
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Science Reference Center Interface - BadgerLink
Full-text science reference books, images, and periodicals for student and adult researchers.
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Today's Science
Science news written for students. Weekly updates of top news stories in science with a back file from 1992. Complete subject index; Editorial Cartoons; Extensive use of photos and graphic, directory of science-related internet sites.
North students should contact Mrs Stacy Gloede for the username and password to access this database.
One of the country’s leading sources for information and research on all sides of the debatable issues of the day
Issues Researcher - Sirs
Analysis and opinions cover the pros, cons, and everything in between on the most researched and debated social issues.
North students should contact Mrs Stacy Gloede for the username and password to access this database.
Humanities International Complete - Badgerlink
Humanities International Complete is an essential resource for students, researchers, and educators interested in all aspects of the humanities, with worldwide content pertaining to literary, scholarly and creative thought.
Choose our library (Sheboygan- Sheboygan Area School District) / school barcode: sheboygan
Opposing Viewpoints - Gale
Opposing Viewpoints covers today?s hottest social issues. Its informed, differing views present each side of an issue and help students develop information literacy, critical thinking skills, and the confidence to draw their own valid conclusions.
Points of View Reference Center
Student Resource Gold - Gale Cengage
Gale Student Resource Center Gold is an online collection of full text periodicals, 40 multi-volume sets of ebook references, and 50,000 primary resources such as journals and letters.
North students should contact Mrs Stacy Gloede for the username and password to access these databases.
ABC-CLIO - Ebsco
Databases include: American Government, American History, Pop Culture Universe, World Geography, World History: Modern and World Religions.
North students should contact Mrs Stacy Gloede for the username and password to access this database.
CountryReports / States
CountryReports includes in depth country and US state profiles for K-12 students.
North students should contact Mrs Stacy Gloede for the username and password to access this database.
CQ - Reseacher
A database of in-depth, authoritative reports on a full range of political and social-policy issues extending back to 1923. Each report is footnoted and includes an overview, background section, chronology, bibliography and debate-style pro-con feature, plus tools to study the evolution of the topic over time.
North students should contact Mrs Stacy Gloede for the username and password to access this database.
CQ - Supreme Court Collection
The Supreme Court Collection includes decision history updates and commentary. Users can access information by topic, justice and case name. There are Biographies of Supreme Court Justices and a history of the institution.
North students should contact Mrs Stacy for the username and password to access this database.
European Views of the Americas:1493 to 1750 - BadgerLink
Citations of European works that relate to the Americas, for college-level and adult researchers.
Choose our library (Sheboygan- Sheboygan Area School District) / school barcode: sheboygan
History Study Center - Proquest
History Study Center is a collection of primary and secondary sources on global history from ancient times to the present day.
North students should contact Mrs Stacy Gloede for the username and password to access this database.
Knowledge Source - SIRS Proquest
Proquest database that includes: SIRS Decades, SIRS Issue Researcher and SIRS Government Reporter.
North students should contact Mrs Stacy Gloede for the username and password to access this database.
Military & Government Collection - BadgerLink
Current news for all branches of the military and government.
Choose our library (Sheboygan- Sheboygan Area School District) / school barcode: sheboygan
Auto Repair Source - BadgerLink
Authoritative and up-to-date service and repair information for thousands of domestic and imported vehicles.
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Business Source Interface - BadgerLink
Full-text journal and peer-reviewed articles covering all disciplines of business for high school, college-level, and adult researchers. Searches Business Source Premier, Regional Business News, Newswires and Web News.
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Computers and Applied Sciences Complete - BadgerLink
Full-text database covering computing, technology and engineering disciplines.
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Science Reference eBook Collection - BadgerLink
this ebook reference collection offers a rich selection of eBook titles covering Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
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Small Engine Repair Reference Center- BadgerLink
Detailed, user-friendly repair guides for all manner of small engines. Content derives from the Clymer repair manuals.
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College Admissions Test Preparation
Prepare for important exams like the ACT, SAT, AP Tests and more. College Admissions Essay Writing help.
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Learning Express Library guide & Basic overiew of Test prep video
High School Equivalency Center - BadgerLink
Guided support and preparation to help you earn a high school equivalency credential.
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School Center - BadgerLink
Skill-building resources for classroom and homework success.
Choose our library (Sheboygan- Sheboygan Area School District) / school barcode: sheboygan / sign in with sasd google account to save your progress.