Schools implementing PBIS create a set of expectations, share them with the students and then model them using class exercises. These expectations remain the same for students on the playground, in the classroom and on the bus. But, what about at home?
Using PBIS at home can help students maintain those expectations.
Darsch, Miao, & Shippen. (2004) A Model for Involving Parents of Children with Learning and Behavior Problems in the Schools: Preventing School Failure 48(3), 24-35
(National PTA, 10/28/2005)
Schools implementing PBIS are typically eager to have participation from parents and families. So, get ready to get involved!
In the early stages of PBIS, schools will often send a letter discussing:
As parents, this letter provides you with a great tool! You can review the letter with your child so both of you understand what is expected at school. Ask your child, “Do you understand these rules? Do you think you can follow these rules at school?” This is also an opportunity to talk about your expectations at home. Consider posting the expectations on your refrigerator door and use them for reference.
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