Our Mission

At Wilson School, 4 > 2 is more than just math ...it is a way of life. We believe it is GREATER to do things FOR others rather than TO others. We use the symbol 4 > 2 to remind ourselves of this every day.

Staff Directory

This Weeks Wilson Weekly Newsletter

Below is this week’s Wilson newsletter. It includes recent flyers that have gone home as well as events that your children may have at school this week.

June 7, 2024

School Supply Kits

Want to skip back-to-school shopping this summer? You can order a school supply kit for a limited time with all the supplies your student will need for their upcoming school year.

  1. Go here before July 15 and select your child’s upcoming grade: https://shop.myimpacks.com/school/wilson-elementary
  2. Each kit includes everything required, with the exception of a few things, like gym shoes. Prices are comparable to Target, and cheaper than Amazon
  3. Check out using a credit/debit card
  4. Consider adding a donation at checkout. Impacks will match the first $5, and all funds will go to supporting our school
  5. The supplies will be shipped directly to Wilson Elementary, where you will be able to pick them up during open house

Be sure to purchase your supply kit before the deadline of July 15. Let us know if you have any questions!

The staff of Wilson would like wish all our students and their families a safe and fun summer! Remember to keep reading and to get out and have some adventures. We're already looking forward to seeing you in August!

Have a great summer

Books on Bikes

The librarians of the Sheboygan Area School District, have created a chapter of Books on Bikes for the children of our community. Books on Bikes is a community outreach and literacy program originally created by the Charlottesville City School librarians and teachers. Our goal with this program is to get children in the community excited about reading and visiting their local libraries (school or public) while building relationships with our current and future families. Books on Bikes will meet children on their own turf and bring them book talks, read-alouds, enthusiasm for reading — and their very own books during the summer months.

Books on bikes 2024 Summer Schedule

                  Announcing a new Wilson Wear Store!

The new store is open 365 days per year so families can order items at any time. Items are now shipped directly to you at your home. There are TONS of different items to choose from!
Sales will run periodically throughout the year. 

                                      Wilson Wear Store

    Summer Office Hours

    Mrs. B's Music Room Website

               Mrs. B's Music Room Website

    Music Notes with Heart


    Wilson Parking Policies

    Wilson is designated a “neighborhood school”, meaning the majority of our families live within walking distance to school. We encourage students and families to walk/bike to school, weather permitting, to limit congestion in the parking lots.

    The front parking lot is available for all families dropping off/picking up students, as well as visitors to Wilson. We ask that everyone respects the guidelines so we can ensure a safe environment for all.

    1. Left turns off of 17th street into the front lot are not allowed due to a Sheboygan Police Dept. ordinance.
    2. When dropping off students, please pull forward as far as possible if you are using the drop off lane. If you are planning to exit your vehicle, use the diagonal parking slots on the left to park. The drop-off lane is reserved for those not parking. Do not drop students off in the middle of the lot.
    3. During student pick-up after school, please find a place to park your vehicle while you wait for your student. Do not wait in the middle of the driving lane.
    4. Please respect all staff, crossing guards, and student safety patrol members as they work to keep our students and families safe.
    5. The rear parking lot is reserved for staff and Kidstop drop-off. Do not drop students off in this area.


    Upcoming Events