PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. PBIS is about teaching and promoting safe, respectful and responsible behaviors. Students are recognized for making positive choices that follow our school expectations. When students do not follow the expectations they are re-taught the appropriate behavior and, when necessary, are given an Office Discipline Referral (ODR).
Cool tools are school-wide lessons that target specific behaviors. Every week a new cool tool is introduced to the students by their classroom teacher. The majority of the cool tools center around being safe, respectful and responsible. Check the current newsletter for ways you can support the life skills your child is learning at school.
4>2 cards are given to students when they display positive behaviors.
ODRs are Office Discipline Referrals. When a student is not following the school-wide expectations, an ODR will be given by a teacher, EA or the principal. ODR’s include consequences for the student’s behavior. You will be contacted if your child receives an ODR.
Contact our PBIS Internal Coach and School Counselor:
Sara Christians
(920) 459-3691