Our Mission and Vision

MISSION : At Lincoln-Erdman, our mission is to provide the opportunity for high-quality, engaging academic and social-emotional instruction to all students. We will develop students who are ready for future academic rigor and are responsible at school and in the community through collaboration, critical thinking, compassion, and productivity. Lincoln-Erdman students will Persevere, demonstrate Acceptance, and show a strong Work ethic, resulting in Success for all (PAWS)

VISION : At Lincoln-Erdman we believe all students will Care to Learn and Learn to Care.


Summer Office Hours

June 10th - June 28th
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

August 1st - August 30th
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Registration assistance by appointment. Call the office at 920-459-3595


Start the school year off meeting the teachers and having a quick conference.  Information here.  Sign up begins August 5th.

School Supply List for 2024-2025

Get ready to shop!  Your school supply list is here!  Or if you prefer, you can save yourself time and a car trip by ordering from School Tool Box.  

Remember to READ this summer!

Let the only slide you go down be the one at the park. Here are several places and ways you can get books to read!!!! Need to Read Slideshow

Student & Parent Handbook

Take some time before school starts to familiarize yourself with our Student & Parent Handbook.  It has all the information you need to make your school year enjoyable and successful. 


Upcoming Events