Lincoln-Erdman uses PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) to promote and teach appropriate behaviors and pro-social skills in order to maximize academic success for all students.
Staff members hand PAWS to any student who is displaying appropriate behavior, verbally praising the specific behavior that was observed. Lincoln-Erdman incorporates a variety of PAWS and draws throughout the school calendar.
Each quarter, students have a chance to earn an all-school reward. In the first and fourth quarters, students work together toward a group goal such as a certain number of PAWSitive slips, fewer ODRs in specified areas, etc. In the second and third quarters, students earn their way into the reward by their own individual behaviors. Some of the celebrations in the past have included : Technology Day, Ice Cream Sundae Day, Elementastic Science Program.
Cool Tool Lessons are behavioral lesson plans that define, teach, model, and practice desirable behaviors. At Lincoln-Erdman, the Cool Tool Lessons are selected based on school-wide data.
All-school assemblies help improve the school climate by reinforcing behavioral expectations and celebrating the positive school community. Assemblies are held monthly. Students are recognized during the assemblies for positive academic, behavioral, and attendance performance.
Special Distinctions for PBIS from the State of Wisconsin. PBIS School of Distinction: 2016 - 2017 ; 2015 - 2016 ; 2014 - 2015 PBIS School of Merit: 2013 - 2014 PBIS Silver Award for Behavior: 2018 - 2019 ; 2017 - 2018 For additional information regarding PBIS at Lincoln-Erdman, please contact our PBIS Internal Coach and School Counselor, Mrs. Rank at For additional information regarding PBIS in general, visit our district PBIS webpage. |