Referendum 2024

Community info sessions

The Sheboygan Area School District will ask the community to invest $121 million to rebuild and remodel Urban and Farnsworth Middle Schools at the current sites

If a majority of voters support the referendum, the property tax mill rate would increase by $0.20 per $1,000 of property value, representing an annual tax increase of $20 for every $100,000 of a home’s value.

The Need

Urban and Farnsworth Middle Schools are approaching 100 years old, and have similar, significant challenges.

Referendum images (300 x 100 px)

Aging Infrastructure

  • Roofs are at or near the end of their service life.
  • Windows and doors need replacement.
  • Exterior masonry needs repair.
  • Spaces are not compliant with the ADA.
  • The plumbing systems are in poor condition.
  • The heating/ventilation (HVAC) systems are inefficient and at the end of their service life.
  • Lack of air conditioning.

Referendum images (300 x 100 px) (1)

Safety & Security

  • Fire alarms and sprinkler systems do not meet current codes.
  • Parking lots and sidewalks are in poor condition.
  • Main entrances are secure but do not meet current standards.
  • Bus and parent drop-off/pick-up is poorly configured, creating safety concerns.

Referendum images (300 x 100 px) (3)

Inadequate Classrooms & Support Areas

  • Most classrooms are too small.
  • There is limited space for hands-on learning and student collaboration.

Farnsworth Site Plan   Final

Farnsworth Site Plan   page 2

Urban Site Plan   Final

Urban Site Plan   page 2

Funding Support Updated July 2024

Sheboygan Area voters would need to approve a $121 million referendum to pay for this plan.
If approved, SASD does not anticipate another capital referendum in the next 8 -12 years.

The chart shows decreasing mill rate for sheboygan area school district residents from 2018 to present.

If a majority of Sheboygan voters support the referendum, the property tax mill rate would increase by $0.20.

Mill Rate Comparisons
Graphic shows examples of annual impact on property taxes, including $20 for a $100,000 property, $50 for a $250,000 property, and $70 for a $350,000 property.

Approval would increase the mill rate by $0.20. Financing assumes a multi-phased borrowing plan repaid over 22 years at interest rates from 4.75% - 5.25%.

Find Your Tax Impact
Shall the Sheboygan Area School District, Sheboygan and Manitowoc Counties, Wisconsin be authorized to issue pursuant to Chapter 67 of the Wisconsin Statutes, general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $121,000,000 for the public purpose of paying the cost of a school building and facility improvement project consisting of: construction of additions and renovations for new Farnsworth Middle School and Urban Middle School buildings at the current sites, and demolition of portions of the existing buildings; site, outdoor recreation space and traffic flow improvements; and acquisition of furnishings, fixtures and equipment?

In July, the Board of Education approved the referendum question for the November 5, 2024, ballot to rebuild and remodel Urban and Farnsworth Middle Schools at their current sites.

As promised, we listened to the results of a community-wide survey and feedback from community meetings and moved the Urban Middle School project back to the current school campus instead of being constructed at Mill and Najacht Roads.

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